Loyalty Launch Guide
How to Launch a Customer Loyalty Program in 6 Easy Steps.
Refer a client who signs an annual contract with Ambassador, and you'll earn up to 20% of the total contract value.
Enroll TodayAmbassador is made for marketers. Ditch the development and get to know more about our user-friendly visual editor.
According to a recent survey conducted online by Harris Poll on behalf of Ambassador, 82 percent of people say they seek recommendations from friends and family when considering a purchase. Brands that encourage customers to share recommendations via referral marketing are building off of a natural inclination to share with others. Instead of wondering about the organic conversations that online audiences are having about your brand, companies can leverage a platform that scales and transforms sharing into an intuitive and rewarding experience.
In today’s world of instant gratification, brands need tech that can automate manual processes and meet engagement goals. As audience needs and company goals evolve, you’ll need a platform that can keep up. Ambassador’s automated referral marketing platform is designed to seamlessly blend with others elements of your marketing strategy. More so, our technology is made for marketers, so you can ditch the dev time and get straight to bringing in new revenue.
A 2015 report from Ascend2 revealed that only nine percent of companies have a complete, fully utilized marketing stack. That means that many companies are missing out on the multi-platform, cross-industry model that defines today’s digital marketing landscape.
After engineers painstakingly develop intuitive platforms, your MarTech solutions are only as efficient as the marketers who own, monitor, and manage them. Which is why we strive to make it as easy as possible for marketers to own referral marketing. Ambassador's visual editor was designed to speed up campaign launch time and allow marketing teams to instantly update campaigns and implement new ideas. So today, we're pulling back the curtain and showing you how industry leading companies are using Ambassador’s visual editor to create a unique referral experience from start to finish.
Make Real-Time Updates With a Visual Editor
As you can see, it's pretty darn simple for marketers to change the look and feel of their automated referral program without having to toggle between an editor tool and the preview screen. From prompts and widgets to messaging and spacing, referral programs become conveniently customizable using Ambassador’s visual editor.
A User-Friendly Visual Editor
Similar to an in-house CMS system, Ambassador’s visual editor allows teams to infuse their referral program with their brand’s voice and style. Marketers can easily update banners, headers, copy, and call-to-action elements.
Did you know that your brand’s signature colors, fonts, and logos can carry over to your referral program? You can even format how social channels are displayed. All of this works to make referrals easy and keep your enrollees satisfied.
Marketers are taught to create content that stands out and makes waves, but no one wants an inconsistent customer marketing experience. In fact, McKinsey & Company reports that 65 percent of buyers will come away from the buyer journey frustrated by inconsistent experiences. With Ambassador, marketers can adopt a truly branded experience that incorporates your brand identity and aligns with other brand components.
The smartest MarTech solutions forego cross-departmental confusion and fill in skills gaps. Ambassador has simplified a process that used to take lines of code and reduced it to a few clicks. Discover a solution that’s just as efficient as your marketing team.
Education, eLearning, and training companies find more qualified leads and increase enrollment through effective word-of-mouth marketing.
Discover the top brand ambassador skills that can boost your marketing success. Learn how leadership, creativity, and social media prowess drive...
Our referral software dashboard makes it easy for anybody to launch a referral marketing campaign. Watch our tutorial to find out how today.
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