Jeff Epstein

Jeff Epstein is the founder and former CEO of Ambassador Software, the World’s #1 Relationship Marketing Platform which enables brands like Hewlett-Packard, HubSpot and Madison Reed to build & scale referral, affiliate, partner and influencer programs.

Stories by Jeff

Referral Marketing

Word of Mouth Marketing (Infographic)

Infographic. Word of mouth marketing is almost twice as effective at influencing purchase as a television ad. Come see what else you need to know!

Loyalty Rewards: What Makes Consumers Stay

Price, convenience, quality of product, customer service; do you know which quality makes a consumer most loyal to a brand? The results might...


4 Reasons Referral Software Is Getting SaaS-y

SaaS companies have begun implementing referral software programs into their social media marketing. And they have been doing well as a result. Learn...

Social Media

3 Key Social Media Metrics to Track

Social media provides marketers more than enough data to look at. It can be difficult to make sense of it all. Stick to these 3 KPIs and you should...

Social Media

The Great Social Customer Service Race

We created a test, "The Great Social Customer Service Race," and sent 280 tweets from 4 personal accounts, over a 4-week period. Here are the results.

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